You Loved Me At My Darkest Read online

Page 6

  She smiles at me and says, “Nin hao.”

  I’m at a loss at what she is saying to me; however, Emily saves me and explains, “She is saying hello. Her name is Cho.”

  I smile and softly say, “Hello, Cho.” She nods her head and moves back to sit on the lounge.

  Emily keeps going, “And this is Natalia.”

  Natalia has tanned skin and stunning wavy, brilliant red hair. Her hazel eyes sparkle accented by her sequined princess-cut top that attaches to a long light green flowing skirt.

  “Hello,” I say.

  “Hola,” she replies with a small smile. I know by that accent she’s Colombian.

  “Natalia says hello as well,” Emily informs me.

  A woman comes forward from behind Natalia and reaches her hand out to me. “Hi, my name is Megan.” She grabs my hand, squeezes and gives me a bright smile. It’s friendly and reassuring.

  “Hi, Megan.” I smile back just as wide, finding her friendly personality contagious. Megan has light brown eyes matching her curly light brown hair that reaches just below her shoulders. She wears a red sleeveless gown.

  I let go of Megan’s hand and turn to the last woman.

  This time, Megan introduces us, “This is Adanya,”

  Adanya stands and hugs me. Her leopard print V-neck dress feels like silk under my hands. Her hug is hard and tight, as if she will never let me go. She pulls back, and I see a tear slide down her face.

  “Jambo,” she says almost below a whisper. I think she is from Africa. She’s stunning with long black braids in her hair and dark soft skin.

  I reply, “Jambo, Adanya.”

  She gives me a sad smile and embraces me again. I hug her tightly back finally feeling like someone else understands what I am going through.

  I release Adanya wanting to get answers from these women. My mouth drops open as it finally dawns on me as I look around the room.

  Holy shit. Marco’s collection, it’s women from all over the world.

  Emily sees my shocked expression and asks, “You’re Australian, right? Your accent is strong.”

  I nod. “My sister and I were traveling in New York when we were taken from the side of the road and shoved into separate vans.”

  Emily nods, and then starts talking, “Adanya only arrived a month ago. She will understand what you’re going through.”

  I glance over at Adanya, who is following our conversation. Emily speaks again but softer this time, “For some of us, having been here a long time, we have become somewhat de-sensitised.”

  I swallow past a hard lump in my throat. “A long time,” I repeat. “How long?” I inquire.

  Emily responds, devoid of any emotion. “Well, I have been with Marco for five years.”

  My eyes go wide. “Five years,” I shout out, shocked.

  Emily’s head shoots up at my high-pitched words. Pain flickers in her eyes. “It does sound like a long time, doesn’t it,” she ends on a whisper.

  After a moment of silence in the room, she regroups and continues, “Cho has been with Marco for four years. Megan and Natalia three, and as I said, Adanya joined us a month ago. There have been others but...” Emily stops mid-sentence with a strangled voice. She turns away and seems to get lost looking out the window. I sense she is fighting back unwanted memories.

  I face the other four women and ask, “What happened to the other women?”

  Megan answers. “They didn’t behave, so Marco had them removed from the collection. We don’t know what that means. We just know we never see them again.”

  “What does not behaving mean?” I bite my nails knowing I don’t want to hear this.

  “Take your pick. Anything that isn’t what those bastards tell you to do.” She points to the door angrily.

  “Megan,” Emily sternly scolds.

  Megan narrows her eyes on Emily. “Just because you are the queen at turning off your emotions, Emily, doesn’t mean the rest of us are,” Megan snaps.

  “You’re going to scare her,” Emily almost yells.

  Megan raises her eyebrows. “You don’t think she should be afraid, of what she is going to endure tonight?” Megan yells, clearly stunned by Emily’s words.

  Aggressively, I run my hands through my braided hair and shake my head. “Excuse me, I am in the room.” Both women’s eyes swing to me. I take a deep breath and try to stay calm. “I am sick of my questions going unanswered by cryptic conversations. Can someone please just spell it out for me? Because I need to know what the hell is going on.” My voices edges on anger but I manage to stay somewhat calm.

  “A party is where Marco auctions our bodies off to the highest bidder,” Emily answers, her voice dead of any emotion but her eyes show concern for how I may react. I’m too stunned. Her words roll over in my mind again and again until I can make sense of what she’s telling me.

  Emily continues, “Tonight was supposed to be a private party, a private party is where you get shown off but no one can buy you, yet. However Marco is unpredictable at the best of times and decided he wanted a full collection party tonight instead.” Emily gestures to the door. “Out there in the party, we will be standing on a short runway. Surrounded by men, your skin will crawl. Your stomach will want to empty, but you won’t be able to move. There will be five white circles on the stage, you must stand in one of them and you are not allowed to step outside of the circle or turn away from the men.” Her words start to sink in and my sight wavers. I grow lightheaded. Grabbing hold of the lounge to help myself stay upright, Emily continues in a robotic tone, “The men will talk amongst themselves and eat appetisers as if you aren’t even there. They will openly say which one of us they want to fuck tonight, and some even explain how they will do it.” Tears start cascading down my face, but I don’t move. I keep listening. “The men write down a price, and then put in a secret ballot. At the end of the evening, one of the guards will come and take you to a room where you will meet the man who paid the highest amount of money for your body.”

  Emily pauses, noticing my struggle to stay on my feet. I inhale a big breath, praying I don’t vomit at the same time.

  “The highest bidder is allowed to do whatever he wants with you, except leave marks on your body.”

  My mouth fills with saliva, and bile rises to my throat. I sink to my knees, still hanging onto the side of the lounge. After all the cryptic words from Marco and Jake, this is what I was expecting, wasn’t it? To be taken against my will? Oh, god, raped. Hold it together, Lily. I can get through this. I have to get through this to get back to Sasha.

  Megan comes to me, sits on the floor, her hand rubbing my back in circular motions, attempting to soothe me.. I stare at the carpet. For how long, I’m not sure. Emily’s words repeat in my mind.

  Slowly, I swallow my saliva down my dry throat and look up to see Emily watching me with worried eyes. I have the attention of all the women in the room.

  Megan’s soft voice pulls my attention to her, “Lily, to get through this life in the collection, you will need to find a way to turn your emotions off and go numb. We are nothing but toys for them to play with, and they don’t have a care in the world about what they do to us. They pretty us up, just to make us feel like dirt under their shoes. This is how they get their kicks, taking away our control and playing with your emotions. They want to see you cry. They want to see you powerless.”

  Megan wipes away the tears under my eyes, and with a penetrating voice, she announces, “Holding in your emotions, not letting them see you at your weakest is how you have the power. Choose a happy place now. Go there and stay there until it’s over.”

  The door opens and four guards walk in. They separate, two on each side as Marco walks through the centre, still wearing his expensive looking suit and a smug grin on his face.

  Megan pulls me up by the elbow quickly, and all the women stand in a line and lower their heads. Standing next to Megan, I look around the room in confusion and fear. Do I do the same thing? Lower my head? My h
eart twists at submitting to this monster.

  “My jewels,” Marco’s croaky voice booms around the room, “have you all meet the new addition to your collection?”

  Emily speaks up while keeping her head lowered, “Yes, sir, we have all introduced ourselves. Lily is a beautiful addition to our collection.”

  I gape at Emily. She speaks quietly, her tone obedient, keeping her head lowered.

  “Wonderful. Lily, you seem confused,” Marco says as he walks to stand in front of me. I tear my eyes away from Emily and glare up at Marco.

  “When I enter a room you bow your head and wait for instructions to speak. Do you understand?”

  My eyes go wide at his words and anger radiates through me. His voice bears no argument, but this is me. My mouth speaks before my brain thinks. “I’m not a dog. I will speak when I have something I want to say.”

  I notice Megan tense beside me and Marco narrows his eyes and moves in closer to me.

  “That’s all right, my girl. This is how all the girls started out, strong, sarcastic. I’m going to enjoy watching you struggle to hold on to that piece of yourself.” An evil grin spreads out on his lips. “The men will pay the most for you. I hope to have a good year of your fighting spirit filling my pockets.”

  I pale at his words.

  “Fair warning though, Lily, I may look forward to the men thinking you will be a challenge and paying handsomely for you.” His eyes narrow and his face contorts in anger. “But when it comes to me, you will obey me!” he roars at me.

  Instinctively from his loud and violent voice, my body tenses and I bow my head immediately.

  “If you persist to be a disobedient cunt, it will be your sister who will suffer. Understood?” His low and sinister words are like a slap across my face. I nod quickly, letting him know I understand.

  “Good girl,” he says. His voice returns to normal with a hint of smugness. He pats my head and my dignity shatters to the ground. Silent, angry tears stream down my face.

  “Emily, does Lily know the rules for tonight?” Marco demands.

  “Yes, she does, Sir,” Emily answers.

  I watch Marco’s legs step further into my space. He places a finger under my chin and lifts my head. I come face to face with him. In a quiet voice, he says, “If you follow the rules, Lily, you won’t regret it. I will give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of; a luxurious house, all the clothes and diamonds you could ever wish for.” My heart feels like a jackhammer against my chest. A tremble runs through my body, and I nod.

  Marco smiles. “Excellent, Lily. I knew you were going to be perfect. I have to say you just might be the most beautiful and exquisite woman I have ever had in my collection.”

  He claps his hands and all the women raise their heads and look to him.

  “All right, the party is almost ready for you. Ten minutes and the guards will come and collect you. I can’t wait to see my beautiful jewels all together on the stage.”

  Marco walks out of the room with the four guards and I hear the door lock.

  All the women look at me with astonishment in their eyes. Cho points to me shouting in her language.

  Emily nods to Cho and placates her with her hand as if saying ‘I know’.

  “Oh, my God, Lily. Do you know how lucky you just were?” Emily fumes. The first real emotion I’ve seen from her.

  “I have seen Marco beat a woman for less than just talking back to him. You need to be more careful.”

  I close my eyes and start deep breathing, just needing a second to calm my heart. “I understand that was stupid of me. I’m just having trouble bending to his will. It’s not built into me to take this from a man, from anyone,” I explain.

  Natalia, Cho, and Emily walk over to Megan and me and we all form a small circle holding hands.

  “This isn’t built into any of us, Lily,” Megan states and continues, “This was physically and emotionally beaten into us until we realised there is no getting away. Don’t make our mistakes. Learn from us and save yourself the pain.”

  I look at them all and nod, understanding they truly do care about what happens to me.

  “You’re one of us now. We will look out for you as best we can,” Emily adds.

  “Thank you,” I say to them all.


  Highest Bidder

  Not long later, we are being escorted out of the room in a line. Emily leads and the other women follow, falling into line, clearly showing they have done this many times before. There is a guard in front of Emily, one follows behind, and two guards in the middle and one on each side. They make a circle around us, no touching, just ushering us in a certain direction.

  We are led into a dark room where a large black curtain hangs down, and lights shine through the middle where there is an opening.

  Emily is the first to disappear through the black curtain, followed by Adanya, Natalia, Megan then Cho.

  As each woman disappears, my hands start to shake, and I start backing away. I bump into one of the guards and yelp as I jump away from him. It’s Hulk, and he looks at me with the same unimpressed expression.

  He grabs my arm and pulls me through the black curtain. I shake my head while trying to pull away from him. I’m not ready.

  I have to shield my eyes from the bright lights. I squint and see a spotlight over each woman. I glance around the room. It’s dark. Men are mingling with each other near the bar and runway. All the women are standing in their circles looking out into the crowd of men. Except Adanya, she turns side on and stares at me, our eyes lock and I witness tears falling from her eyes. The men below her are lapping up her crumbling appearance.

  Hulk easily pulls me down the runway as I watch what is going on around me. We pass Emily, Natalia, Cho, and I am placed between Megan and Adanya. I look down and see the white circle. Hulk puts me into the circle, and then leaves the stage just as quickly as he got me here.

  The stage is long, but it isn’t high. It only comes off the ground about two feet. There are women and men walking around in white uniforms carrying platters of food. My stomach grumbles. I haven’t eaten since Sasha’s and my last meal in our room before leaving for the rave.

  I scan the room and the men in it. They’re all dressed in suits and every one of them looks refined and respectable. How is it they can do this?

  I’m wiping my sweaty hands down my dress when a man stands in front of me and stares. He’s so close; he could reach out and touch me. I feel vulnerable and cornered so I narrow my eyes at him, hoping my foul mood will deter him. The man gives me a full smile. Marco’s words about my fiery spirit getting him many buyers rushes through my mind and I chastise myself for doing exactly what he wants me to.

  We stand in our circles for what feels like hours. The man who was staring at me is not the last. Many men stand in front of me staring, talking, eating, and pointing. No acknowledgement is made that I am a human being. The men intimidate and scare me. Their leers and sleazy smiles send chills down my spine. My first instinct is to step away from them and walk off; however, Marco’s warning about Sash suffering for my actions has me rooted to the ground.

  During the night, I hear men state who they have already had, who they thought was the best and who they wanted for tonight. Silent tears fall from my eyes as I hear one man talk about Emily. “Oh, she struggled all right. I tied her to the bed, strangled her until she turned pale, and then let her breathe again. I then did it again, over and over until I decided she was close to death. Then I fucked the shit out of her, and left her naked and passed out. Marco sent Joseph around to me the next day. He beat the shit out of me for marking her, and that beating bloody hurt.” He licks his lips and looks to Emily. “It was fucking worth it though.”

  I now understand Emily’s businesslike manner. After five years of this hell, she isn’t numb. She is dead inside.

  Late into the night, a guard collects Emily, and she follows him off the stage. A few minutes later, Natalia is taken and then C
ho. Cho looks back at us all, her face blank, no emotion at all. Another guard for Megan, and then another comes for Adanya. All the women leave with the same unemotional numb look on their face. I am the only one left on the stage and the room is still full of men talking and drinking.

  I palm my hands together roughly while my eyes dart around wildly, waiting for a guard to come collect me and take me to my horrifying fate. Minutes later, I spot a guard walking toward me. He grabs my upper arm and steers me to the back of the stage.

  We walk through the back room and down the same hallway we passed through to get to the stage. My body begins to shake with panic. I can do this. This is just like another one-night stand. That’s how I will look at this. Unwanted one-night stand, but I need to rationalise this to get through it. Hysteria sits on the edge of my mind just waiting for me to realise I’m not convincing myself.

  The guard swings a door open to my left. The first thing I see is a man’s back. He is facing toward a bed that sits against white walls. The bed is adorned with black sheets. How fitting, black for what my heart will turn to after tonight. There’s nothing else in the room, just one big bed.

  The man turns quickly at our arrival and smiles at me. I don’t smile back. I don’t remember ever seeing him in the room. He’s looks like all the others, dressed in an expensive suit, dark hair combed back with a face any woman would think she can trust.

  The guard addresses the man, “Mr Smith.”

  Mr Smith nods but doesn’t take his eyes off me.

  A cold breeze whips up my back and I spin around just as the door is being closed, and I hear the unmistakable sound of another door locking. Another locked room, but this time with a stranger who bought me for sex.

  Mr Smith walks toward me. Each step he takes, I take the same amount backwards until I hit the door.

  “Don’t be frightened. I won’t hurt you.” His honeyed voice and smug smile shows his assurance is insincere.